Did you know that I am now a THM coach? I’ve been enjoying coaching a couple clients.
Here is a review/testimony from one!
I’ve really been enjoying coaching. I just got this review from one of my clients:
“…I just wanted to take a moment to gush about my THM coach. I have been on the THM plan for over 8 years now, bought the original book when it first came out. I have had 2, now 3, pregnancies while on plan however this will be my first official pregnancy fully on plan. For some reason morning sickness would hit, everything I held near and dear about the plan would go out the window and I would just eat whatever to get through the pregnancy, then jump back on plan after birth, not the best strategy, I know. This pregnancy was a surprise, I’ll be 43 when baby is born, and having been on plan for 4 years straight without a pregnancy I was pretty solid on my ways. I thought I would breeze through the pregnancy eating all the yummy THM foods I had grown accustomed to, would gain just the right amount of weight, and lose it all effortlessly after birth (I’m not there yet, so this may still happen, a girl can hope).
Anyway, back to my gush, once morning sickness passed I thought I should be feeling better but I wasn’t, I still felt tired, had headaches, had a sneaking suspicion my BP and HR were too high, and was just overall miserable. I finally confessed to my midwife that I had been tracking my BPs and they were in fact too high for pregnancy, she wanted me to see a specialist to be evaluated because of my “age” which I resented and asked that she give me a week, I had just contacted a THM coach and she was helping me with some tweeks.
Within 4 days of following the tweeks my coach had given me I was a new pregnant mama!! I literally could do this again!! I don’t know that I have ever felt this energetic and excited in a pregnancy. I learned that I had become so intrenched in my weight loss/management ways of doing THM that I couldn’t see the forest for the tress so to speak. She walked me through what I was eating, pointed out where I was lacking fuels, where I was waiting too long to eat and even that I wasn’t consuming enough water. All of which without her I would have pridefully scoffed at because I knew I was doing all the “right” things. But what’s right for an unpregnant body isn’t correct for a pregnant body and adjustments have to be made. She was so loving and wanted to help me gently make changes but once she opened my eyes to what I was doing I was all in.
If you are able to work with a coach, even if it’s just one time, it is well worth the investment. The coaching program is so well taught and the mama’s are loving and enthusiastic to help you navigate those adjustments.
I have one more call with her but we decided to wait until I am closer to my due date to work out some post partum strategies, I can’t wait.”
You can find my packages and pricing for personal 1:1 coaching, here on this website.
I also offer groups on THM topics, that you can join! I have the February and March groups coming up.
February group name:
Fit & Fabulous Through February
Beating the gloom of Winter. (Bringing encouragement and a little daily sunshine, mental or real, into your life.)
Gentle exercise challenges. (Catered to each person depending on YOUR lifestyle and fitness level.)
Discussion on monthly, weekly and daily menu planning.
Price: $60
Early bird, before January 20th: $50
Extra: 1 free coaching call with the purchase of both the February and March packages.
1st, pay here: https://www.paypal.me/restoringwcoachR
Next, request join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/427351255275871/?ref=share
March group name:
Marching on With Preparedness
Maintaining the race.
Preparing for success by prepping ahead.
Making Many Meals options, w/less work. (Kind of a once a week prep, for easy weekly meals.)
Price: $60
Early bird, before January 20th: $50
Extra: 1 free coaching call with the purchase of both the February and March packages.
1st, Pay here. https://www.paypal.me/restoringwcoachR
Next, request join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2561065180862971/?ref=share
For more info, text message me at 15736942443.
I’d love to ‘see you’ there!