It’s been over four years since I started my small website, shop and recipe blog, Lotsa Little Lambs! So much has happened in these four years! I wish to thank those of you who have supported my efforts. If you are just now discovering my business, thank you for checking it out!

My husband survived a near fatal accident the end of April, 2018. He spent a month in the hospital, and then about the same in a skilled nursing facility. We are so thankful to have him with us, and to have him walking again.

Precious Joel Amoz joined our family, coming 6 weeks early, June 16th of 2019. He is a healthy, happy little boy, and fills our days with joy. He makes our seventh son.. our 12th child.

I’m pleased to announce I’ve finished my coaching certification with Trim Healthy Mama. I’m so excited to enter this new venture. I hope I may serve some of you in your quest to regain your health and trim.

I’m also excited to update my website. Check out my new logo and other artwork around the site. 🙂 (Drawn by Rebekah Lamb).
Watch out for new varieties of jam, and more new products, coming soon!
Thanks for visiting, and hope to see you here often!