So simple and fast! It’s fresh, delightful, light and raw, but it gets even better by setting. So, make this a day or two before you’d like to serve it!! I fell in love with this recipe and am so happy that the creator allowed me to share it with you!
By Sylvia Ross, her mother Karen’s family recipe, with permission.
FP, in small amounts, if following Trim Healthy Mama. If you take a spoon and eat half, as I may, then it’s an E! ????

Cranberry Relish
1 pound of cranberries
1 apple, with peeling on, core removed, cut in small chunks
1 navel orange, with peeling on, ends removed, cut in small chunks
1/4 cup erythritol
1/4 cup xylitol
2 doonks stevia extract
Directions: Wash the fruit well, especially the orange as you are using the peelings. Run the fruit through the food processor. Sweeten to taste. You may need more or less sweetener depending on the sweetness of your fruit.
Sylvia says, “We love it with ham or turkey, on toast, or on leftovers sandwiches. I also love to add it to oatmeal or Greek yogurt. This contains E fuels, but it’s not something I worry too much about adding to an S meal because you don’t eat much of it at a time”.